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Hot Air Balloon

A man is flying in a hot air balloon and realizes he is lost. He reduces height and spots a man down below. He lowers the balloon further and shouts: "Excuse me, can you tell me where I am?" The man below says: "yes you're in a hot air balloon, hovering 30 feet above this field." "You must work in Information Technology," says the balloonist. "I do," replies the man. "How did you know?" "Well" says the balloonist, "everything you have told me is technically correct, but it's no use to anyone." The man below says, "You must work in Management". "I do" replies the balloonist, "but how did you know?" "Well", says the man, "you don't know where you are, or where you're going, but you expect me to be able to help. You're in the same position you were before we met, but now it's my fault."

An American man, a Russian man, and an African man were all up in a hot-air balloon together. After a few minutes, the Russian man put his hand down through the clouds. "Aaah!" he said. "We're right over my homeland." "How can you tell?" asked the American. "I can feel the cold air," he replied. A few hours later the African man put his hand through the clouds. "Aah we're right over my homeland," he said. "How do you know that?" asked the Russian. "I can feel the heat of the desert." Several more hours later the American put his hand through the clouds. "Aah, we're right over New York." The Russian and the African were amazed. "How do you know all of that?!" they exclaimed. The American pulled his hand up and said, "My watch is missing.

Is a Hot Air Balloon a Male or Female? Hot Air Balloon is a male, because to get it to go anywhere you have to light a fire under it... and, of course, there's the hot air part.

The Americans and the Japanese decided to engage in a competitive balloon race. Both teams practiced hard and long to reach their peak performance. On the big day they felt ready. The Japanese won by a mile. Afterwards, the American team was discouraged by the loss. Morale sagged. Corporate management decided that the reason for the crushing defeat had to be found, so a consulting firm was hired to investigate the problem and recommended corrective action. The consultant's finding: The Japanese team had eight people steering and one person navigating; the American team had one person steering and eight people navigating. After a year of study and millions spent analyzing the problem, the consultant firm concluded that too many people were navigating and not enough were steering on the American team. So as race day neared again the following year, the American team's management structure was completely reorganized. The new structure: four navigation managers, three area navigation managers and a new performance review system for the person steering the balloon to provide work incentive. The next year, the Japanese won by two miles. Humiliated, the American corporation laid off the steerer for poor performance and gave the managers a bonus for discovering the problem.



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